Admin portal

Product design

A radical vision for customer relation management (CRM) portals for the life insurance industry, based on user research I conducted at Ethos. Despite not having been shipped, this design set a northstar with immense downstream influence.

In collaboration with
Justin Sayarath, product manager
Ikagar Singh, account executive
Tyler Monteferrante, head of design
Gokul Dhingra, VP of product



Ethos is one of the D2C insurance companies that took off circa 2017. Skipping the human agent, Ethos boasts an all-online insurance buying process in the web browser, as well as proprietary pricing technology that allows the user to instantly see prices from all eligible insurance products that Ethos runs.

Naturally, customer representatives had an intense number of customers to call every day, and had been using a hacked together web portal to keep track. Since we hadn’t have any internal tooling for any form of customer tracking, I successfully convinced my managers that a better agent dashboard was worth the investment.

User research

At the time Ethos didn’t have any user research capacity, so I conducted my own research to answer the question of “what does a better admin portal mean?”. This also became a catalyst advocating for Ethos’s own user research department. Over two weeks, I conducted the following:

Shift manager

Manages and coordinates line agents


  • Assign and reassign clients to balance different agents’ workloads across shifts
  • Ensure clients feel respected in conversations
  • Maximize rate of success across client calls

Pain points

  • Client lists are complex and updates frequently—prone to error
  • Difficult to keep track of client assignment
  • Need to mentally calculate agent workload

Line agent

Uses information in portal to call clients


  • Achieve sales goal of the client’s current stage
  • Ensure client feel respected during call

Pain points

  • Client communication is spread over too many software platforms (at least 6)
  • Digging for information during calls is highly stressful
  • Difficult to maintain interaction history if client was handed over from another agent

These personas then gave rise to a set of concrete design principles:

First draft: agent view of today’s clients to call
First draft: overview of all clients to call, divided by assigned agent
Hitting while highlighting a client card allows agent to quickly mark a client as “resolved”. This makes the client disappear from the to-call list for a week, so that he/she doesn’t receive too many sales calls.

Learning from TV

However, people were also confused when confronted with the card-based UI the first time. I also felt it took up too much space for a tool so utilitarian and technical.

I then realized that the deeper problem was that I still designed with the mouse in mind—after all, desktop manipulation with a cursor was too prevalent a paradigm. The first draft simply doesn’t work if you used arrow and enter keys to operate:

Chaotic highlight route—where does the focus land?

Pondering how to make keyboard-first navigation work, I suddenly realized that navigating with keys is just like using a TV remote: they’re both based on a set of arrow buttons and a set of enter/exit buttons. And design for TV remote I knew—I worked on a tvOS project a few years ago!

Like the keyboard, the Apple TV remote’s touchpad only recognizes 4 direction inputs, so tvOS apps need to be laid out in 90-degree axes. Otherwise, the interaction would feel odd because the touchpad wouldn’t honor diagonal swipes. This also imposed a strict but comforting constraint on design: all highlightable elements must be arranged on either a vertical or horizontal line.

Wrong: highlight target jumps diagonally
Right: highlight target jumps either vertically or horizontally

UI on TV needs to have low information density because it’s viewed afar and usually in a relaxed setting, but we could still apply the same interaction paradigm to work software with higher density.

Crucially, the vertical axis is used for traversal, while the horizontal axis drills down or goes up levels of information. Consistently following this principle, I believe, creates a sense of predictability in a giant information system.

Use arrowkeys ↑↓ to navigate. Hit ← enter while highlighting to quickly access resolve shortcut
Use arrowkeys ←→ enter to perform quick actions on client, such as call or text
Highlighting the top bar and hitting enter opens the stage switcher. It’s relatively hidden because each agent usually is assigned clients from one stage at any given shift.
Agent view is simply overview without all other agents

Client details

With the navigation pattern figured out, the client details view is easier. It was a process of collecting information and finding the most logical arrangement. The top bar that used to host the stage switcher conveniently turns into a tab bar.

The narrow column to the left is persistent across tabs, and gives a glance a client’s profile: history of rightsizing, risk grade, evidence collection speed, and underwriting decision. This little combination determines the price, and drives the agent’s whole phone call with the client.

Client general information
Client interactions consolidated from different data sources
Highlighting the rightmost icon on the tab bar shows the “resolve” shortcut